Liz has branched out from working in the Financial arena to Photography
Here is her web site: (or
In the 1990s, Liz completed her Bachelor of Science degree at Macquarie University, and worked for Ford Credit, St George Bank and Willoughby Leisure Centre. She had a great deal of success as a basketball player and coach with club and school teams (including coaching PLC Pymble to its first A Grade school championship). Her excellent work with St George Bank was rewarded by a trip to Auckland to welcome the new millenium.
In 2001 Liz decided spread her wings and travel overseas- and she found a great life in Guernsey in UK's Channel Islands. She worked for several years with Credit Suisse, then for SG Hambros. She is now a Chartered Secretary and Associate of the Institute of Company Secretaries, and is Vice President in the Company Secretarial Department of an international Funds Management firm.
For some time Liz and Abby lived in a flat in St Peter Port, but in 2008 they bought a home in the Parish of Vale. They moved with cats Milo and Matilda, and when settled added puppies Harvey and Bailey to the entourage. Gardening and walking the dogs are now activities taking up more time than before. Abby has developed an already productive vegetable garden. However, she hopes there will still be time for other sports including cycling, softball (in which she has represented Guernsey regularly until retirement in 2007) and for photography which she is studying at diploma level.

Liz has come back to Australia regularly for family occasions, and is shown here with her Grandfather John Cunliffe, on the occasion of his 90th birthday.
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