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Kerr Barging Blogs

We have spent a fair bit of time cruising in the South Pacific aboard our 33 years young 11.1metre yacht, Pastime of Sydney. We are now cruising through the canals and rivers of France on our old barge, "Anja", which was built in the North of the Netherlands in 1903. Anja was 110 years old in May 2013 and we celebrated with good French Champagne- but the boat did not get any! In 2014, for Anja's 111th, we took her back to where she was built in the North of the Netherlands.
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2 minutes reading time (468 words)

Fire Organ and Patrimony Day

We have continued smoothly up the Yonne River. We have been here many times before and it is always good to find something new.


IMG 0480
A pleasant house on the Yonne River

 IMG 0490
Anja at Sens town quay

For instance, we spent a couple of days in the historic town of Sens at the time when all of France is celebrating "Patrimony Day". Different towns do different things to celebrate their culture and heritage. Sens has been celebrating the 850th anniversary of its magnificient Cathedral. A French stamp has been issued in honour of the event. This was the first Gothic style Cathedral in all of France. It was where Thomas A'Beckett gained refuge prior to being executed later in England.

Fire Organ at Sens Cathedral

One of the events on Patrimony Day was a special and very unusual concert on the Parvis (which is a town square immediately in front of the Cathedral). A large and strange-looking organ, comprising about 200 pipes, was serected on the stage. No-one really knew what was going to happen. The square and surrounding streets were packed with thousands of people and we were there too!

The Fire Organ breathuing fire

Firstly, the Devil appeared and described Hell. This was illustrated by dancers whirling burning firebrands and great gushes for flame and deep throated roars from the Fire Organ. That was followed by an organ recital from within the Cathedral and the organist's hands were projected on a giant scree. This was God speaking. Then came a female soprano, singing with the organ- also God speaking. The Cathedral Organ then played a two-organ piece in conjunction with the spectacular fire-breathing fire organ. The fire organ worked by huge gouts of gas being fired through the tubes and ignited at the same time. You could feel the heat from the huge flames even 100 rows back, where we were. The noise was huge. Then there was more fire dancing and a devil and an angel decended the sheer front face of the Cathedral on wires, performing a type of synchronised ballet. Wow! What an unusual event.

 IMG 0482Church of St MauriceIMG 0487700 year old wood statue- St Maurice

We also got to see inside another historic church- St Maurice's- which is on an island in Sens. The church is rarely opened so we were fortunate as it is the only time it has been open in our approximately 10 visits to the town.

 IMAG0602Lunch- an unusual presentation!

Anyway, the spectacular warm weather continues but sadly, we will have Anja back to her winter home in just 36hrs. So, the geraniums and herbs are gone and we are well into our list of things to do before leaving. We are at Joigny, only 8km from Anja's Migennes home.

 IMG 0478Water Jousting in St Mammes

Best Regards,
Dave & Penny

Location (Map)

Joigny, France
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Congratulations Christian and Chantal
The Marne, Seine and Yonne


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